We CCC kindly request to join our project. It is so easy just like the piece of cake. buying the products of cambodia!

Let’s believe we can change the world better than today.

Principle is what CCC aims to realize
by providing value to our customers
To provide Cambodians who suffer from destitute poverty with employment opportunity,and in doing so contribute to the development of the economy and society.The corporations involved in cotton business will cultivate new markets,consumers will contribute by purchasing their products,thereby sharing the sense of ‘hope among everyone involved.

MIssion we must carry out to achieve CCC’s principle
CCC brand’s Mission is to recreate mine contaminated areas into cotton fields,to produce world class cotton,and to attract as many companies and individuals who empathize with our principle.
We therefore aim to carry out the following:
・Technical training and research to produce better cotton
・Opportunity to learn through work for those lacking formal education
・Promote the principle of CCC brand to the international community
・increase the number of corporate and individual supporters(consumers)

The value we promise to bring to our customers in order to execute CCC’s mission
To provide Cambodians who live in mine contaminated areas with opportunity to produce cotton, acquire skills,and produce quality cotton for a fair price. Japanese spinning,sewing companies and apparel manufacturers will technically support to produce these “products with a story”.
・Functional Value:World class quality
・Emotional Value:Bonding by sharing the story of hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

10月 20, 2011 6:05:56AM

Sharing a story of Hope

Cambodia used to be a cotton producing nation, where many cotton spinning companies were based. However, the long war turning the cotton fields into landmine fields. .The Cambodians are still suffering from the aftermath of the war and destitute poverty CCC aims to restore the nation together through cotton business with the Cambodian people who are suffering from the landmine contamination, a fact that sits in the darkness of history. Consumers around the world will share this story of hope by purchasing the Cambodian cotton products.BOP businesses have already been widely adopted by Western corporations.CCC is the first organization in Japan to promote cotton production through BOP business model.

10月 20, 2011 6:09:29PM