Cotton balls have grown a lot. In a little while, the cotton will be ready to pop.
Oct 24, 2011 3:14:22PM

At last, a little more than 100 days after sowing the seeds, the cotton balls started popping. It is a great joy to see them growing from the seed. The white cotton balls popping out of the brown berries look as if they are radiating the heat of life straight out into the world,
and it is very energizing.

Now comes the biggest climax for the cotton crop. We must prevent attacks by grasshoppers and locusts (hoppers), which caused enormous damage last year. Especially for the organic fields, although we have received advice from experts around the world, we have created our own insect repellents, so it is really a time to play how to get rid of those swarms that fly like black bands through the blue sky. Before the brown spot disease (kaban-tsu) became so serious, the medicinal tree, neem extract, was heard and the disease was cured. From now until the harvest, there will be many tense days ahead.

Updated on Oct 25, 2011 7:13:43AM
Since this is organic cotton, no herbicides are used, and the cotton trees coexist in harmony with the weeds. I really should pull the weeds, but because of the flood, a large amount of muddy water flowed once from the mountain behind the minefield, I have told the local expatriates not to go near the minefield unnecessarily. The author is currently in Japan on a temporary return trip, but as soon as I finish my case, I will take action on what and how to do after the flood in the local field.
Oct 26, 2011 5:12:23AM
Postscript. Muddy water can contain plastic anti-personnel mines, and even once the land has been cleared, floodwaters can cause the anti-personnel mines to poof up and turn it into a mine-contaminated area once again. The mountain behind this organic field is a mine-contaminated area, and a large amount of water flowed in from there, so they are currently on alert. You have pointed out that we have not explained the situation well enough. Thank you very much.
Oct 26, 2011 5:56:16AM