A Girl’s Story Helping Parents’ Work in Cotton Field

A girl who help her parents’ work in cotton field in Battambang.
Her age is 15 yeas old, which means, some might say ” this is not good, this is child labor! She has to goto school. ”
However they do not have school there. In case they have school building, but no teachers. Salary for public school’s teachers are low and no one wants to become teacher.
The school building itself is meaningless.
We do not deny or interrupt for children to take good education in school. But we did see the “REAL WORLD” in here.

To help and make better changes, we, Cambodia Cotton Club, would like to create good opportunities for them to “LEARN” through “JOB” in the future. Not only for children but all people who work with us.

Please imagine,,,if they become to read the note how to deliver cotton and execute it in right way, the higher money will be paid. If they understand the biology for cotton plantation, simple mathematics and money interests, their income and lifestyle will be improved dramatically.

Our hope is to support them if they want to change their lives as the result of their own WILLs and EFFORTs.

10/24/2011 14:40:08 PM