"First landed" genetically modified cotton (3) - a reality that cannot be separated.
In Greece, the cultivation of cotton is prohibited by law due to genetic modification. Greek cotton clothing and cottonseed oil are sold at a premium as non-GMO products. But as of 2000, 120 tons of seeds were...
"First landed" genetically modified cotton (2) - a seed that grows in secret.
The reason why GMO cotton was found in the first place is that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has been experimenting with the development of testing methods for genetically modified cotton seeds, and has been...
"First landed" genetically modified cotton.(1) - Eroding GMO Cotton.
The following is an alert from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) as of the end of last December. The following is an alert from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) at the end of December last year: "It has been discovered...
The Reality of Clothing Made from Bamboo (3) ~ The Hidden Production Background ~
【The Reality of Clothing Made from Bamboo (3)】 As I was researching, there was one thing I just couldn't figure out. That is because a survey conducted by the Japan Food Analysis Center showed that bamboo...
The reality of clothing made from bamboo (2) ~ a manufacturing process that cannot be ignored~.
The reality of clothing made from bamboo (2) In my last post, I told you that in a country like Cambodia, where environmental protection laws are not in place, it is one of the main sources of environmental pollution...
The Reality of Clothing Made from Bamboo (1) ~ Is Bamboo-based Rayon an Environmentally Friendly Fiber? ~
【The Reality of Clothing Made from Bamboo (1)】 The image shows a product made from bamboo-derived rayon, which is...